Yes he has a nose... also look at his ears and mouth but don't forget the anal glands..they can make your cat smell old is this cat and is it spayed/netuered, you really give us nothing to go on...or is that your intention? LOL
If you think its his feet, does he lick them a lot. Our dog used to do this and it turned out he had an infection and the licking made it feel better for a while. But because they were always moist (although i didnt think they were by feeling them) they smelt. We had to do to vets. Maybe you should do same. Cant help on Tea Tree oil would also check with vet.
wouldnt put tea tree oil onyour cats feet, if the cat licks its feet and eats some of the oil, it might be toxic. Its not really safe to use neat tea tree oil on skin, it must be diluted to at least 15% or it can cause irritation.
thanks for all the replies, sorry the question was so brief, thought I had only searched previous questions, didn't realised I had posted it...DOH!anyway, popped him to the vets, he has a little infection, as one of his claws has broken off, so he has a course of antibiotics.This was what was causing the smell.
We had a cat years ago with a severe alergy to grass and we used straight tea tree oil and it was the only thing that got rid of the infection. There are a couple of aromatherapy oils which are safe to use straight and Im almost positive tea tree is one. Although if he were to lick his paws thats a different matter - am not sure if it is toxic. You should google it