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snowman description

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robroy | 00:48 Tue 21st Jan 2003 | Animals & Nature
3 Answers
How would you describe how to make a snowman to someone who has never seen snow?


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In cold countries, frozen cloud falls from the sky in white flakes. It lies in the ground like cold soft earth, white and clean, covering everything. You can pick it up in your hands and even make things out of it, just like clay. You can even make a big man-shaped statue out of it and put some clothes on it. In cold countries we call it a snowman. There. How's that? Hope I've helped.
Let your freezer lie for months without defrosting (nae good if you have a fancy self-defroster or are more houseproud than me!), then scrape out. The more flaky, crumbly ice can be moulded together - imagine this on a huge scale and you begin to get the picture!
describe how to make a mudman then introduce the snow concept last.

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snowman description

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