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pet lambs

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melinda1 | 01:18 Wed 24th May 2006 | Animals & Nature
5 Answers
we have a pet lamb which we keep in the garden,we have bottle fed her powdered lamb formular since she was 1 week old,she is now 8 weeks old.we are now feeding her with lamb pellets and hay and she has grass to graze on and 3 bottles of lamb milk per day.we are finding it hard to ween her,i think we have spoilt her but she crys a lot and makes a noise and we have neighbours.are we feeding her correctly.she is lonley too and misses us when were not around.


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i think she needs a little friend...lambs/sheep usually stay in flocks so it is possible that the reason she cries is lonliness and not the feeding.the feeding type and amount seems to sound about right.x

Put some water in her garden too, maybe a woolley jumper or an old cuddly toy which she can snuggle up to? Get her used to you being away.

Good luck! Make sure your garden has no posinous plants

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thanks Blue eyes and Cheekystar I have already tried the jumper thing and i have water in her pen too.i was offered another lamb today but i dont think there is enough area of grass for 2.
id not worry about there being enough grass...they eat it down to the roots! as long as you put plenty of hay in when the grass is low im sure 2 lambies will be ok.if poss maybe you could spit the grazing area in to 2 and rest half at a time so that when one side gets low you can let them in to the other side.(thats what we do with the horses anyway even though they need approx an acre per horse!)lambies dont need a massive amount of room to graze.just a thought...hope all goes well,id love to hear if you get another lamb and how she gets on with it if you do.xx
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thanks Blue eyes,i will let you know.there is a lady i kmow who is hand rearing 6 lambs at the moment and i think she will be glad to let me have one.

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