Laws of Attraction in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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Laws of Attraction

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salisbury | 11:19 Mon 12th Jun 2006 | Body & Soul
7 Answers
I was just thinking to myself at work, there are so many different factors in saying you fancy somebody. Big Broher highlights this for me as my mates are all divided on whose personality they like etc and who they like lookswise.

It really is true that theres someone for everyone........

I find Nikki hilarious, whereas Imogen is maybe prettier and less hassle for a boyfriend point of view.

I just wonder what all the women here go for in a man..........

Looks, Wit, Humour, Friendliness, Confidence???

Seeing as everybody is different, i think its imposiible to ave a TYPE , as ur exes may look similar but be totally different, say one is really quiet and the other really gobby.

I have dated a few girls in the past but have found I am not really compatible with the more gobby full of themselves type. Id Like to find a nice quiet girl one day, but that all seems less exciting for some stupid reason

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There is no law.

My wife and previous gf's have always been very attractive (to me) but also quite demure. In using BB7 as an example I find Imogen very attractive but when you see her personality come through she becomes very unnatractive. I have seen goats that are more attractive than Grace. Ashelyn (or whatever it is) seems to me to be very attractive but I doubt she would look at me twice. Nikki's face always reminds me of a cow chewing the cud.

I think that loud 'gobby' girls, you know, the ones who always call themselves "feisty" (yawn) are fun to be with for a very short while but I couldn't see myself forming an intimate relationship with that type no matter how attractive.
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why do u think imogen is unnatractive? because shes boring?

i find with exes that i have more arguments with the feisty ones which is ok short term, but one of my exes was really sweet and funloving and didnt have a harmful bone in her body. In view of my recent breakup i keep thinking that the girl i finally settle down with should be more like this. Love should be easy shouldnt it? it shouldnt be a constant battle?

Nikki is so annoying because she doesnt stop maoning but then u cant hate her because she looks so sweet, its almost like blackmail !!!!!

I remember one ex was from the ghetto in preston, a proper vicky pollard.......she used to threaten people with shootings etc. God im glad I am a tiny bit older and wiser nowadays !!!!

People like her just bring hassle into your life, I think I need a soothing calming influence, not another hell raiser !!!

I think that we all find different things attractive.I have been out with some drop dead gorgeous men but when they opened their mouth - no personality,sparkle,nothing.

My b/f at the mo - most women prob wouldn't think he was all that - but there is just something about him that is irresistible to me.The way he talks,his eyes,his smile,and his intelligence.

I would keep an open mind, let the one you settle down with be unique to you, not one that can be pigeon holed before you have really got to know her.

I think that it really is time that you got over this whole ex business. Yes I know it is hard, and you feel worthless for a while, but most of us have been there and I am sure that most of us have picked up the pieces and found someone better to be with and someone who finds us equally unique - otherwise, regardless of their looks and personality traits, what is the point?

I prefer the psychodynamic theory. What we look for is something that feels comfortable to us, in other words someone that will cause us the least surprises so that we always know where we stand in the relationship (even tho we may think we don't), so what we look for is someone who relates in the same way as the people in key relationships we saw in our formative years. Looks take a back seat to what our subconscious sees hence we sometimes find people attractive that others find ugly. Of course, when we don't know people and looks are all there is to go on, our bodies respond to someone that looks fertile and as though they can carry and support a child unless that base instinct is overcome by some fetish with its roots in our early childhood.

theres a lot to be said for 'the spark'.

someone can be gorgeous, funny etc etc but if it just doesn't click, you can't force it.

equally i once had a mate after me and i would have described him as a lovely guy but ugly. well we were out dancing one night and he kissed me... i fell for him there and then - i couldn't believe it.... he became gorgeous to me then. the chemistry was right.

There are certain physical traits I find irresistible in women - many would I'm sure regard them as "imperfections" - such as a very slight squint, a slight overbite, a gap in the front teeth, freckles.

I also love short hair, red hair - so if a woman with a slight squint, an overbite, with short red spiked hair walks past - oh man, I'm gone. And if she's wearing specs - and has an Irish or Scottish accent - and is dressed in T-shirt and combats - I'd probably keel over.

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