i think im in love with my ex - we have a young son togther and since we have been spit up (bout a year now) weve got on even though been split up. now hes asking me to give it another go with him but im sceptical as we broke up because he had a drunken 1 night stand and also when drunk had a tendancy to be violent. he says that if we do give ity another go wel go 4 releationship counceelling as he really does want to get help, but i just dnt no wether i should trust him and give my life up here to start a new one a hundred miles away. Could he really change? please please help
Wow what a dilemma,
I think you should make a list of the positive and negative things that would come out of getting back together.
Would he be prepared to come to you rather than you to him?
Good luck with whatever you decide and remember there are lots of nice blokes out there if you don't make it.
Only you can answer if you are or not prepared to give it a go,i can understand how you feel having him violent as a drunk,i really understand,if you decide you want to give it another go he MUST get himself straightened out BEFORE you get back together not IF you get back together,if you've been happy with your life since you split then going backwards will not do you or him any good at all and keep him as a mate,the main priority in all this is your son,do what is best for you and him!!!