I think they're just awkward. I had one (called Ian) that lived for years and even ate a whole grasshopper once, but my mum repotted it when I was away and it promptly died. We tried to grow some from seed from a children's gardening set but that didn't work either.
Hi, i dont know if this is much help but i have just read that if the venus fly trap catches an insect too big the plant will turn black and die. I dont have a clue if this is true or not but maybe that is the problem? i have been considering getting a venus fly trap so let me know if you have any success.
mine is quite healthy at the moment and is constantly stood in a saucer of water but never watered from the top, so i don't know if misting isn't good for them but i haven't ever misted mine. Also don't let anyone artificially set the traps off cos this can apparently kill the plant. they like it bright and light but not direct sun light