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Laminate Flooring & Dogs

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jennifer_cro | 17:46 Sun 23rd Jul 2006 | Home & Garden
6 Answers

My dog has big problems walking on our laminate flooring as he slips. We have recently put rugs down to help but as you would expect they're now getting filthy, therefore carpet is not really an option.

Anyone have any ideas what we can put down instead?

Thanks for your help.


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Hi I have two rough collies, one is big. I also have laminate flooring in the kitchen and now the conservatory. They do get used to it after a while and only when they try and run does it cause them to slip. hope that helps.
I was going to put down laminate flooring, but chose not to for that reason - I didn't want my dogs slipping and hurting themselves.

You could always try dog shoes... html
My labrador will not walk on tiled floor or stonework floor when I go my daughters she has to put a rug down or he wont come in bribery with biscuit don't work and he won't even budge if you push him. and he's got the sulks at the minute as i forgot to take attachment off hover to hoover him.Tell me about it he rules my life but I love him.
slippers are the answer
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I've just ordered some dog shoes! Thanks for your replies

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Laminate Flooring & Dogs

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