They reckon your dog's anal glands need to be expressed as often as needed. Some dogs never need the anal glands expressed while some need it done every couple of weeks.
On the average, dogs under 15 lbs need the anal glands expressed about every couple of months. Some never need it done at all. They do say smaller dogs need it done more often.
Our previous pooch a Norfolk Terrier used to scoot and I used to take him to the vets to have them emptied or the groomer did them,but our current dog Shaney who is a huge great GS/Lab cross hardly ever needs it done .The groomer always checks as a matter of course and does them if necessary..
They reckon a high fibre diet can help avoid the problem .
Hope your pooch is feeling more comfy now !
PS. I do know someone who does her dog herself ..she must have an iron stomach !!