I put this in animals and nature but obviously no one keeps fish in a pond. I have 2 goldfish and 1 shibumpkin in a small pond, inherited from previous owners. Yesterday I went out to feed them and I have about 25-30 small fish about 1 and a bit inches long. Do I have to feed anything special and how many are likely to survive. Have kept fish before but to my knowledge have never had babies.
I'm no fish expert but nature would suggest that the fish wouldn't mate if they weren't happy and well fed. I'd just keep on doing what you are doing, but perhaps increase the food levels slightly. Bless - good luck with your babies!
Gold fish spawn quite easily. I feed mine with a good flake brand and the small ones will eat this. The main problem will be overstocking. A pond cannot sustain endless quantities of fish. Partial water changes will help water condition but if you top up with tap water make sure you use a de-chlorin agent equal to the whole pond not just what you replace