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i must admit that i am learning to live with them. i am getting used to the size of them, now seeing a small one as quite harmless. weird how the heart starts thumping though isnt it. one humungous one went running across our lounge the other night. i could barely catch it with my spider catch it was so big and quick, when i finally did, dont want to give u nightmares, it was so big that you could hear its legs tapping against the perspex. at least i feel good once i have dropped them outside the window. my hubby cleaned out our garage and there were four really enormous chunky ones in each corner, he reckoned that they must each have a territory, any ideas without referring me to websites as i said, wouldnt sleep im sure! i do feel sorry for them in a way as we are conditioned by others fears when we are small i am sure. if only they didnt have those long legs, thats what does it for me. i also try to think that they eat flies etc which i hate and they do make a mess if they are squashed. what i hate though is the fact that where there is one, there is more! yikes!!!!!!!