I tend to suffer with excess ear wax usually made worse in the hot summertime when the wax is softer. I quite often wake up in the morning and find that I cannot hear because the wax has moved in the night and blocked the ear canal.
I have tried most of the "over the counter" treatments with varying levels of success.
My local surgery is reluctant to syringe ears regularly (about once a year in my case) as they say it should not be necessary.
have you tried olive oil? a few drops 3 or 4 times a day in each ear will soften it and it should come out by itself. although your pillow may be messy so sleep on a towel.
the surgery is reluctant because syringing ears strips out the lining of the ear and so the wax comes back again sooner.
once the ears are clear again, use a few drops of the olive oil once a week in each ear and that should help to stay clear.