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Catterpillars and Butterflies???

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Andrewsykes1 | 05:23 Tue 29th Aug 2006 | Animals & Nature
1 Answers
Having a thinking moment earlier( I know it's early) Does a cattterpillar lay eggs that turn into catterpillars or do butterflies lay eggs that turn into catterpillars. Silly question but I missed that lesson at school :-)


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Butterflies lay eggs on the food plant which is suited to the catterpillars of their whites lay eggs on cabbages.........then the eggs hatch into catterpillars which after eating their eggshells start on the cabbages, much to the chagrin of the gardeners..........they then crawl away and find a spot to make a cocoon type thing where they morph into butterflies at the appropriate time, ie. when the next lot of cabbages are available...........other species have different food plants...........

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Catterpillars and Butterflies???

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