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IMPOSSIBLE! but true!!!!

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fatmanlevi04 | 23:41 Thu 07th Sep 2006 | Animals & Nature
7 Answers
Can anyone tell me HOW a tabby cat renowned for its coat and the letter M distinctly on its forehead is not a pedigree cat but a cross breed yet they all have this M spooky?? If not WHY?


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because hundreds of years ago there was only a couple of tabby cats. One of them was an exceptionally handsome cat and pretty randy as well, he is the daddy of all tabby cats.

Every black and white cat I have ever seen has white boots or shoes.
I think you do get tabby varieties of certain breeds - like the Maine C.o.o.n
Maine ****'s are gorgeous, about half as big again as a 'normal' cat. I have only seen pictures though.
I have a gorgeous ginger tom car, he also has that distinctive M on his wee forhead.....bizarre
I've got 2 Maine C00n kittens. The male is particularly large and handsome and they both have the M on their foreheads. For pedigree tabbies in general, I think a distinct M is part of the breed standard for showing.
I thought "tabby" was a discription of coat, or markings, not a breed. If you had a orange cat it would be all orange, but if you said it was an domestic shorthair Orange tabby cat then you describe the markings, stripes whether it be mackeral or classic. If they made it a breed there are alot of cats with tabby markings, from the american shorthair to the rex cats. I like wolf63 explaination, LOL.
You are correct drgnrdr. Tabby is a type of coat marking (in varying colours), not a breed in itself, but several breeds do have the tabby colouring as part of their standard.

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IMPOSSIBLE! but true!!!!

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