She sounds like a very clever cat indeed - an evil genius, perhaps. Our cat was already quite placid when we got him from the rescue centre, but he had quite a few bad habits, such as clawing down the wallpaper and licking the taps. He stopped doing those particular things after about a week (although whether it was because we told him off or because he got bored is debatable). Finding a suitable punishment may be the first thing to do. For some cats I know, talking sternly is enough, but for others you might have to shout, pick them up by the scruff, or spray water. Sometimes they'll do something if they realise it gets your attention - like tearing your flesh - and after a while they seem think this is a perfectly acceptable way of getting noticed. Ignoring them is meant to help, and you can't be too soft on them, like me, because then they never stop it! Also, in our house, my dad seems to be the only one the cat will listen to (presumably out of fear). For example, if the cat is hoping to eat a fish out of the pond, a furtive look on his face, he will stop instantly at the sight of my dad, because he must know it's worth a smack and a good telling off if he's caught...perhaps ask someone with a loud voice to discipline your cat?
P.S. I know this sounds obvious, but do you let the cat outside whenever she wants, i.e. a cat flap? Running around would use up some of her energy, with any luck.