Would it be cruel to take my childrens two gerbils to a field and set them free? I thought they would have died by now and as they were a 5 minute wonder with the kids its me that has to change them and feed them. Also because of the noise they make the kids dont want them in their rooms so they are plonked in my living room. Its affecting my chi. We have had them about 2 years now how long will this torture continue?? ps I probably wont set them free coz they would probably die wouldnt they?
Sad to say superswally, the content of some of the other posts on this site lead me to believe that there are people out there who are totally ignorant of the needs of animals.
Apology accepted superswally..........and BTW the tip about the Midges was spot on..........it's the best stuff I have found and I have suffered more than most from the little devils over the last half a century............<G>