I have 2 very different dogs with 2 very different problems! 1. male lhasa apso, 1 yr old, urinates on my bed every single time he gets on it! only my bed nowhere else in the house!, has been castrated. any ideas? yes i have always tried to keep him out of my room but sometimes manages to sneak up! it doesent matter if he has only just come in from outside he will squeeze one out anyway. 2. female border collie, 6 months old, chews. and boy does she chew! i dont mean pencils, shoes, toys, teddies, I mean EVERYTHING! carpet, chews paper off walls, bicycle seats, chewed a hole in the bottom of my guinea pig hutch from underneath, she chews everything, her latest trick is chewing holes in my actual walls!!! big holes before i know it will will be chewed through to next doors house! i walk her, feed her well, excersise her play with her, always trying to keep her busy so she sleeps at night she now spends the night in a room about the size of a box bedroom and there is nothing in there just her bed, the floor and whats left of the walls which is not much! i give her her own chew toys, things like pigs ears over night to try to keep her busy but no! wallpaper is off then plaster and now we are almost down to brick! help!!!
I love my dogs to bits but just need some ideas on how to stop these problems. especially the chewing!!
have you thought of crate training them?
or a dog behaviour specialist? the dog listener dvd/books are brillliant
i dont know enough to help you i'm afraid, but our setter is crate trained and has never eaten anything in the house and is not allowed upstairs - we use a stair gate.
dont know about your collie but we have a 10 year old lhaso apso who pees in the house,he has always done it since a pup,tried everything to stop it..you could walk him for hours ,but within an hour of getting home you will get a tiny couple of spots of pee somewhere in house,he is not neutered.dare say he is too old to change his ways now....still as arrogant and thinks he is royalty as he was when a pup..struts about with his nose in the air..