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Mesmer | 22:17 Sat 30th Sep 2006 | Animals & Nature
6 Answers
The AB Poll.
What is the definition of a dangerous dog? What does the law say?


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According to the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991:

1. The following dogs, and also cross-bred pit-bulls, are dangerous dogs under the meaning of the Act:

Pit Bull Terrier
Japanese Tosa
Dogo Argentino
Fila Braziliero
It is illegal to possess such a dog without a certificate of exemption, which is granted once the dog is neutered, insured, and has a transponder implant. These dogs cannot be "in a public place without being muzzled and ... being securely kept on a lead by a person who is not less than 16 years old."

A public place even includes locked inside a car which is itself in a public place.

2. If a dog is dangerously out of control in a public place, or a private place where it is not permitted to be, the owner; and if different, the person for the time being in charge of the dog, is guilty of an offence.

"A dog shall be regarded as dangerously out of control on any occasion on which there are grounds for reasonable apprehension that it will injure any person, whether or not it actually does so."

Hi, you might find what you want in here.... ure/Question298298.html

Lisa x
Whoops i just posted about this in AB suggestions but it didn't come up with your link on the search ..have read the replies so if you have replied don't bother to reply to mine :o)
as all of the abovementioned breeds are illegal to own in the UK then the poll is kind of null an void as people shouldnt own them in the first place!
Has the DDA ever been reviewed since 1991? Alot of dog owners I know are under the impression that it was badly thought out and rushed through due to increased media pressure concerning several attacks at the time.
If you go to the Kennel Club website, you will see a press release that explains how they are negotiating with the government and the Dogs Trust, and other interested parties, to rework the badly thought out DDA, which was brought in as a knee jerk reaction to the spate of dog attacks in the 1980's.

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