Somebody recently told me that they had read that if you put conkers in the corner of a room it deters spiders. Now as I hate the little things and the biggers ones even more, I would like to know if this is true and if so how does it work or if i am being wound up completely.
Hi Angel, To put it in a "nut shell", yes there probably is a grain of truth in it but you would, I think have to change the old ones for fresh on a regular basis as the active ingrediant wears off. Good Luck Tbird+
I've recently bought a spray from Betterware called Spider Stop and it contains natural chestnut extracts and clover leaf oil. You spray it round doors/windows etc and it's supposed to deter spiders without harming them. Not sure if it's working yet, I've only been using it a week and I've had one small spider and one very small spider (no biggies and I normally get at least one a week!) so hoping it is working to some extent. You do have to respray it every three weeks or after cleaning. I've almost used a whole bottle already though cos I'm obsessed with stopping them. You can find out more about it on
catlavender... ok, it keeps the spiders 'outside'... but surely it also keeps all the big hairy ones that are already hiding behind your cupboards/under the stairs etc 'inside' too?! : )
snagged As long as I don't see them or know they're there I'm not bothered where they are. I am hoping they will smell it though and find their way through the wall somewhere - preferably to next door because we don't get on! I can but try.