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Cats eating leaves...

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Willow Tree | 12:54 Wed 08th Nov 2006 | Animals & Nature
6 Answers
My cat likes to eat flower leaves and treats it like a piece of meat if I tease him with it. Is this normal?



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My cat loves chewing my spider plant.
My cat loves lettuce!
Cats will often eat grass and leaves as part of their natural diet as apparently it helps them with digestion and the regurgitation of fur balls. That's why indoor cats should have at least a tray or pot of grass (the green type, not the other stuff!!) that they can graze on. My naughty fella will rip the leaves of my pot plants if he's been told off or I'm not taking any notice of him, just like a naughty child.
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Thanks Ed Strong. :) x
Just thought I would post this as it's important.

Lilies Are Fatal To Cats
There was supposed to be a link. I'll try again. y.htm

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Cats eating leaves...

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