My dog never learned *not* to do that, even after repeated attempts at training! She was simply too excited to be out-of-doors for a walk and wanted to charge way ahead of me. One thing you can do to prevent poor doggy from harming himself is to buy a *harness* with a leash, rather than a collar with a leash. Almost all pet stores should sell dog harnesses of various sizes (small, medium, large, etc.). At least, they are popular here in America, so if you can't find one there, you could order one online. The harness fits around the dog's torso, not his neck, and thus it can never "strangle" him. Also, I found that my dog tried to pull to a lesser degree when I kept the leash short (3 or 4 feet between my hand and the dog) than when it was longer. When it's longer, the dog feels and sees an opportunity to get away from you, and accordingly, they try to take advantage of that opportunity. If the dog is kept right next to you, however, they will naturally adopt your own pace of walking.