My cat Valentino ('Tino') Finnegan catches anything smaller than himself. Presents on the deck in the morning have included dragonflies and crickets as well as birds and mice, rats, squirrels, voles, even shrews and moles, which it is said cats don't like because of their odor, all nicely laid out. *** I wouldn't mind if he caught robins (thrushes here in Canada, not like the little European robin) and starlings, which are very common, but he seems to love the rarer songbirds such as cedar waxwings and various song sparrows. He taught himself to hunt (he was an orphan, mother killed by car, so no one taught him). I can't teach him not to hunt. I've tried the negative conditioning (ignoring him, scolding him, locking him in his carrier for half an hour) and all it does is make him sulky. I have a friend who has doctored the tiny corpses with cayenne and tied them to his cat's collar and it did no good at all. *** All I know is when Tino goes to the great kitty home in the sky, I will not get another cat.