You say you have a cin/pearl cockatiel,if it is a hen it proberbly wont talk.
We breed and sell these birds and ours go for between �25 and �30 as I spend months hand rearing them individually and in cages as most of my owners want a male for talking.You cannot tell if it is a boy or girl untill it is about 12wks old.Only then will the boys start copying whistles.If your bird looses its pearls and goes mostly yellowy or even greyish/yellow you may have a pied/pearl on your hands or pearl/pied as some would say.
You dont say how old it is,if it is a young bird and it is a male then the first moult will tell you also what it is .They moult at around 5-7months approx.
Males tend to loose all the pearling and hens stay as they are.
If you are lucky and it is a henbird then you may get her to stay friendly and like being handled but usually they are not too bothered about being tame and keep themselves to themselves.
I do have a hen from last yr who sits on my head when i enter the aviary but thats where it stops.
Just be aware there are lots of smells to harm your bird,ie,smoke,new carpets,teflon pans,air freshners,paint fumes,and there are foods that are dangerous also.
Chocolate,advoca, cooked food. Vegs they like are broccoli,sweetcorn,any dark leafed greens,apples,you can always get a good book on these lovely birds.They also have a lifespan of around 20-30yrs if well cared for.They do suffer from night frights so if your cage is in a room that goes pitch black at night,its worth getting a night light to plug in,these come on automatically when dusk.or leave curtains open so the stret light gives off into your room.
Good luck,you should have a lovely pet there.Regards.