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Thank you guys for the kind words, I've been hesitant to post this thread over the last few days, I fully expected a "what did you expect" kind of answer from someone (mind you, there's still time!).
Gopher, you're a real sweetheart xxxx, no I'm not the new Ed, I wouldnt have that job given I can tell ya! Plus I'd be really crap at it, lol.
I've thought about getting him back a few years down the line, afterall he's only 8, but would it be fair on him? He'll have well and truly settled at my mums then and to uproot him again seems cruel to be honest.
Looking back, like you've said, I do believe it was a case of that she (Mini Boo) shocked him awake somehow and he reacted instictively, however I'll not get him back or indeed get another till she's old enough to realise that they aren't climbing frames.
She really loves dogs in general, and I've often to hold her back if she sees one out and about till iv'e been reassured by an owner that the dog is friendly before I let her pat them, and I'll continue letting her do it. I don't want her to be frightened of them and would love another (possibly him again? I dunno) in the future.
Thanks once again for the kind words everyone xxxx