Nice to see you being your normal charming self bednobs!
For any one who doesn't wish to waste ten minutes of your life....the crux of the story is about half way down the page. Personally I felt reading the whole page bought home the fact that this dog was someones much loved pet....not a savage animal in need of culling. What makes it so sad is that if the owner hadn't cared so much the dog would not have been destroyed as it wouldn't have come to the attention of the authourities via the media.
That said, I think the owners could have put up more of a fight, but I imagine they had their reasons for not doing so [I read the bit about not wanting the dog to be in kennels,but I know I would rather have my dogs in kennels than destroyed].
On the news this morning it said that 55 dogs have been taken or handed in with 45 of those to be destroyed immeadiatley...... how sad.