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A book on Cats

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wolf63 | 17:13 Thu 22nd Mar 2007 | Pets
3 Answers
I have decided to write a book about cats. Not the usual information guide which tells you how a perfect cat should look and behave.

I want to write a book that has some of my ab cat-lovers stories. Coming home with an empty baked bean can attached to the magnetic collar is my favourite - thus far.

If anybody is interested in recounting their stories for this cheap little booklet (for Cats Protection) could they visit my website at
or email me at [email protected]

This book is still in its early planning stages, but lets face it - we all enjoy telling people about what our cats have been up to.

Dogs are (usually) obedient cats are ....well, cats.

Wolf aka Susan

assisted by Merlin (lady cat) and Frankie (thug and bully)


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next door were having some work done and my cat came in with 5 nails on his magnetuc collar, plus I put his biccies in a tin dish and realised that the constant 'funny noise' was his dish dragging across the floor attached to his collar.
I had one once who was sat on top of the television and fell off. My husband laughed at him and the cat stalked off upstairs and was sick in one of his slippers! I'm not sure that it was planned but it seemed really funny at the time and I'm sure the cat had a "that showed you" look on his face.
I heard a story about a magazine "tip" to stop trainers smelling by filling them with cat litter overnight. The owner's kitten mistook them for two litter trays... !

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