old man
one day an old man was sitting on his front porch, when a little boy goes past with a big roll of chicken wire. the old man shouts "hey son where you going with that?" the boy replies "away to catch chickens" the old man laughs ,you cant catch chickens with that", but sure enough 10 minutes later the boy goes past with a load of chickens caught in the chicken wire. the next day the boy goes past with duck tape, the old man again shouts " where to today son", the boy repies away to catch ducks" again the old man says "you cant catch ducks with that", 10 minutes later the boy goes past with the ducks. the next day the boy goes past and the old man sees him and shouts, "hey boy whats that you have there?" the boy replies pussy willow" to that the old man shouts "wait there and dont move untill i get my hat"