When in the US i bought a sign to put in the window I CAN MAKE THE FENCE IN 2.8.SECONDS and it had a drawing of a shar pei [my dog]. Now I would like to buy one for my son's bulldog with the same wording. Does anyone know where I can buy one in the UK ? I have Googled and they can ship one from the US, but it would be easier to do it from here.
Look on ebay. There are loads of different signs with all breeds on them. I sell them, but not sure if I have got a Bulldog, will have a look for you tomorrow.
Found one. It says 'I can make it to the gate in 3 seconds -how fast can you?' It has a fawn and white Bulldog standing four square front on, If you would like one if you would care to email my friend as below, she will give you the address to send a cheque for �2.50 to cover the cost of the sign and the p & p.
sarah @ whybrow.wanadoo.co.uk (obviously no spaces before and after the '@')