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cat grass

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Cheekystar | 06:45 Sun 29th Apr 2007 | Animals & Nature
2 Answers
I bought a grow your own cat grass from pets at home, its now started to grow and I have no idea what to do with it? do i cut some and feed it to my cats?


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I take it your cats are indoor cats? If they go outside they will naturally find their own grass.

I think you just leave it on a window sill or somewhere they have access to and let them graze at will.

I don't think they will eat it if you cut it and try to feed it to them.
We used to get Kittygrass for our cat - he loved it ! We didn't let him out very often due to the road nearby, but when he did go out eating grass was his luxury ! The Kittygrass used to sit on the window sil, and we'd take it down from the window sil and let him eat as much as he wanted -don't cut it or anything,

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