First of all I'd find out the correct name of the breed - its a Bichon Frise.
Then I'd check the health implications for this breed - what do they suffer from, what DNA tests or other tests are available and have any of the dogs in his pedigree suffered from them. Then I would check the pedigree against any potential bitches, although no-one with a decent bitch would want to use a dog that has not proven itself in the show ring.
I would then ask the breeder of the dog whether they considered the dog worth breeding from and ask their advice as to suitability of blood lines to mate him to.
After all that if he turns out to be a suitable candidate for certain bitches, then you need to hope that someone wants to use him.
Physically they are capable from about seven months, but are not mentally mature by this age, so it would be best to wait until he was at least a year old. Then hope that he doesn't start peeing everywhere and humping visitors legs,
climbing on children and howling whenever there is a bitch with a five mile radius in season.