Right, had a cat move in a couple of months ago (never wanted a cat as I live in town centre and don't think it is fair to let a cat out in traffic, vicious dogs/owners etc.). Anyhow this cat decided to move in so I said it had to be an indoor cat if it wanted to be here. It is quite happy with the situation. Treated it for fleas (also worms) as its coat was non existent on its back and there were open sores. Now its coat has grown back and it is fluffy and semi long coat, the cat also has a typical stub persian face. However it still has some scabs on its back, what could be causing this?
Also it does not purr (even though it is obviously happy) - do persian cats purr?
After 20 years of sharing my life with dogs I am now back to being bossed around by a cat!! What fun!!!
It might be worth taking her to the vets, our adopted Cat Molly has a hyper-sensitivity to fleas and comes in scabs etc - we now treat her with heavy duty flea stuff from the vet, last time she needed an antibiotic and steroid injection to help calm the rash
- Good luck