black fish died and turned gold in The AnswerBank: Animals & Nature
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black fish died and turned gold

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barneyboo | 14:40 Mon 03rd Sep 2007 | Animals & Nature
3 Answers
I had two black fish with bulging eyes, and they were both okay this morning, but I've found one of them dead at the bottom of the bowl this afternoon, and it seems to have shrunk and has turned gold. What's going on?. Why has it changed colour.The other one is still as black as night.
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Hi, by the sounds of it you have Black Moor goldies, and they do change colour from black to gold over time.

Why one of them's died though, I've no idea i'm afraid. Ideally fish should be kept in a tank, not a bowl. Have you checked the water perimeters?
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It's quite a large bowl, and the fish was absolutely fine this morning. I have heard of fish changing colour but this was in a couple of hours. I wondered whether it was like when humans die and their colour drains away and they get paler??????.
I think it is just the pigment gets absorbed deep into the body!! I believe this can happen through shock or sickness.


Same principle I imagine!!

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black fish died and turned gold

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