My dog was spayed 4 days ago. the vet warned about her getting a goose egg under the sutures, which she now has and the holes where the stiches are are very red. i cant see him until monday. is this an emergency?
Hi there, you could phone the emergency vet in your area and just talk to someone about it, if they think you need to take her in then they will say, best to be on the safe side. Good luck and hope your dog is be back to her old self very soon.
PS. I am having one of my bitches spayed on Wednesday.
I have only had two bitches speyed, and one was due to a closed pyo, and have never been warned of a goose egg under the sutures, I am presuming it is a ball of infection/fluid especially as the stiches are red. Is she still on antibiotics, if not, I would take her back as an emergency, it should all be covered in the cost anyway. Is she eating and drinking normally?