dopey's a late blossomer.....
I would like my hamster, dopey, to socialise a bit more as he's coming of age and maybe find a mrs dopey for himself in the near future....only dopey's a bit of a late blossomer, bit naive etc and would rather hop about or juggle his maltesers or watch one of his boring soaps on the telly......
I've arranged for more hamster-get-togethers in the comnig weeks, inviting same old friends with bruce and karla (brother/sister) hamsters, just to see if dopey takes any interest in them,,,,,, esp karla!
If not, I'm going to keep inviting more of my friends with hamsters (its surprising how many people have got them as pets!!) until dopey is lovestruck with a female wifey for himself so maybe I'll get to see some of dopey's children in future.... (how cute would they be?)
Anyway, my Q is, how do I push dopey to start looking, I mean is there someting I can feed him to help him mature a little faster so he is on the same level as other hamsters like himself?Like I said, a late blossomer, I'm not sure if he's attracted to female hamsters 'that' way yet, he would rather hang out with the boys and juggle maltesers.....:S