how much pineapple? in The AnswerBank: Pets
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how much pineapple?

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woofgang | 14:37 Thu 27th Mar 2008 | Pets
8 Answers
Has anyone fed their dog pineapple to stop them eating poo please? Did it work and how much did you feed them per meal?
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You only need to pour the pineapple juice onto their meal. Just do it for a couple of weeks to get the out of the habit of eating their own poop!
Or try giving them a diet where they're getting the correct nutrients. My bitch was a poo eater, tried lots of things until i actually did the research and changed her over to a natural diet. She's never done it since (she doesnt try to eat ANY animal poo now!)
Can i ask you, what are you feeding her? usually this is a sign that the dog isn't getting enough out of it's food so therefore has to eat it again to see if it can get more from it.
Hey woofgang!

Can I ask a question in your question!? lol!

My puppy, shes about 15 weeks old now loves eating the cats poo!
We have had to stop her going upstairs because she will just stop at the litter trays at the top and munch away!
Or pick it up and carry it elsewhere, leaving it for us to find later!
Any advice? She is fed on James Well Beloved at the mo, 3 times a day and a decent handful each time!
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you are welcome wiggal !
I think that the problem started because the food that too much nutrient in it rather than not enough, so that it remains a food source after it passes thrugh. The boys are in lovely condition, healthy and lively, growing well and neither fat nor thin. They are now on a food for older puppies which is plainer so I expect the habit to subside., I just want to ensure that it does..I do the instant pick up but our garden has areas of bark chipping and dead leaves where its hard to get it all
With great respect to existing posters, I really wangt to hear from someone who used the pineapple method and had it work
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in case anyone else is watching this question, here's an update. They have now been on older puppy food for a week. This is plainer with less protein in. I have been adding about a ring (five or six pieces) to each meal of their 3 meals a day and it does seem to be working. Mucky pup now has a desultory sniff and maybe a lick but doesn't gobble it and will move aside to let me clean up instead of getting in there and gobbling as fast as he can. If I call him away or distract him he comes without another thought and on walks, just does his business and runs off. The funny thing is that they love the pineapple and eat it before the dog food.
Out of interest I looked at a list of foods toxic to dogs and was actually surprised to see pineapple was one of them, if you want to look it is on here, scroll right the way down and it is on the full list.

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thank you...have been doing some research. It appears that the plant can be poisonous, also the unripe pineapple but not the ripe canned fruit.
http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/depts/hort/consumer/po ison/Ananaco.htm

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