You will have to be 'very' patient.
Dont let her pull, if she does, stop, (use a word like 'with me' or 'heel', whatever you feel comfortable with) and turnaround and walk the other way, keep repeating everytime she pulls. It may be that you dont get further than the end of the road for a week, but if you go for a walk and let her pull in between 'training', you will revert back to square one.
Remember lots of praise when she walks 'to heel', you may find giving her a treat when she walks correctly, or carrying a toy she likes helpful.
It may sound like a long winded exercise, but I know it works. Scolding a dog and yanking the lead is unnecessary, just remember when she pulls, if you turn around and walk in the other direction she isnt getting anywhere, and she will soon learn that if she wants to go for a walk, she has to walk to heel without pulling.