Law3 mins ago
97 Answers
why do i get the feeling some ? put pets before kids ! and kids health ! question is .... why do some so called pet lovers take there dogs to parks were kids play to crap ?...and say they are taken there pets for walks .. when they clearly dont want crap in there own loverly back gardens.....and why pet lovers kick cats out at night so they dont spray in the house BUT can spray up others front and back doors and windows ???......and why so called pet lovers feed there dog and cats with tin pet foods that have 30% horse meat in it ???
and the best for last .... why do pet lovers let there dogs bark all night ... but kids get asbo for just hanging around in groups .talking / and playing about ???.......
kids are made out to be bad !... you take away there freedom .. whats left ??????????????????
and the best for last .... why do pet lovers let there dogs bark all night ... but kids get asbo for just hanging around in groups .talking / and playing about ???.......
kids are made out to be bad !... you take away there freedom .. whats left ??????????????????
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1- Responsible pet owners pic up their dogs poop. And where else can you take your dog if you live in a town or built up area?
2- not everyone "kicks" their cats out at night- I used to have trouble sleeping if my (sadly departed cat now) was out at night.
3- You eat meat don't you? Are you suggesting we turn our pets vegetarian? What's the difference between our dogs eating horses and you eating bacon butties?
4- Where on earth do you live that people let their dogs out all night to bark their heads off?
1- Responsible pet owners pic up their dogs poop. And where else can you take your dog if you live in a town or built up area?
2- not everyone "kicks" their cats out at night- I used to have trouble sleeping if my (sadly departed cat now) was out at night.
3- You eat meat don't you? Are you suggesting we turn our pets vegetarian? What's the difference between our dogs eating horses and you eating bacon butties?
4- Where on earth do you live that people let their dogs out all night to bark their heads off?
Bad day?
where do you live, i see children playing out all the time and having fun without getting asbos?
even the teenagers that try to set fire to peoples property dont get asbos half the time so the courts must be a harsh bunch where you live.
I agree with you on the dogs mess problem, its appalling that some owners of dogs refuse to clear up.
Most responsible adults would neuter their cats too. but a cat is still able to spray or poo wherever it wants, bit like any wild animal really.
where do you live, i see children playing out all the time and having fun without getting asbos?
even the teenagers that try to set fire to peoples property dont get asbos half the time so the courts must be a harsh bunch where you live.
I agree with you on the dogs mess problem, its appalling that some owners of dogs refuse to clear up.
Most responsible adults would neuter their cats too. but a cat is still able to spray or poo wherever it wants, bit like any wild animal really.
well a horse is a pet not in the food chain like pigs sheep chickens egc????? some pet lover you are lol ...and they carry poo bags in parks but look round to see if anyones looking if not lookin they walk on by !!!
and parks are for kids not dogs and crap .......crap in your own space not kids parks or play areas
and parks are for kids not dogs and crap .......crap in your own space not kids parks or play areas
A horse is a pet in your opinion and indeed in mine as well, but then a pig can and sometimes is kept as a pet- you still liking your bacon butties?;-)
You really must live in a grim area if pet owners deliberately walk away from their dogs poo just because no one is looking.
Who says parks are exclusively for children? Sure theres swings and slides there for them- but it doesn't mean nothing and no one else can go there.
You really must live in a grim area if pet owners deliberately walk away from their dogs poo just because no one is looking.
Who says parks are exclusively for children? Sure theres swings and slides there for them- but it doesn't mean nothing and no one else can go there.
Ooooh, extreme punctuation award, trebor!
In response to your slightly random and vitriolic question:
I put my pet before kids, as I don't have any kids, and don't particularly want them. That said, I appreciate that my pet is an animal. I wouldn't endanger a child's life through my pet.
I could reverse your question: why do some parents take their kids to parks where dog owners want to walk their dogs? Sounds ludicrous, doesn't it? So did your question. Green space is for everyone, and the question of dog fouling is entirely separate. I have 'poo bags' in ALL of my trouser pockets, coat pockets, bags, jumpers...So do most other dog owners. I can't bear the assumption that as a dog owner I don't mind dirty, smelly cr*p all over my park and pavements.
Would you confine a child only to your back yard? Dogs need exercise, and not everyone has acres of rolling hills and fields.
Where did you get your pet food statistics from?
If you have an issue with an individual whose dog barks through the night, you need to speak to your local Environmental Health dept., who will ask you to keep a noise diary, and will give the offender a warning.
You irked me, I must admit, otherwise I wouldn't have bothered answering this question.
The ultimate issue here is respect: pet owners must respect other people and their surroundings, parents must teach their kids to respect other people and their surroundings.
If people had that respect for self, others and surroundings, a lot of the issues we see currently wouldn't arise.
Dogs need exercise
In response to your slightly random and vitriolic question:
I put my pet before kids, as I don't have any kids, and don't particularly want them. That said, I appreciate that my pet is an animal. I wouldn't endanger a child's life through my pet.
I could reverse your question: why do some parents take their kids to parks where dog owners want to walk their dogs? Sounds ludicrous, doesn't it? So did your question. Green space is for everyone, and the question of dog fouling is entirely separate. I have 'poo bags' in ALL of my trouser pockets, coat pockets, bags, jumpers...So do most other dog owners. I can't bear the assumption that as a dog owner I don't mind dirty, smelly cr*p all over my park and pavements.
Would you confine a child only to your back yard? Dogs need exercise, and not everyone has acres of rolling hills and fields.
Where did you get your pet food statistics from?
If you have an issue with an individual whose dog barks through the night, you need to speak to your local Environmental Health dept., who will ask you to keep a noise diary, and will give the offender a warning.
You irked me, I must admit, otherwise I wouldn't have bothered answering this question.
The ultimate issue here is respect: pet owners must respect other people and their surroundings, parents must teach their kids to respect other people and their surroundings.
If people had that respect for self, others and surroundings, a lot of the issues we see currently wouldn't arise.
Dogs need exercise
Oooh, I didn't mean to emphasise that "Dogs need exercise"! Not sure why it was repeated. Maybe it's my new catchphrase...
trebor, are you calling my dog a perv? And once again, you are making gross generalisations, and tarring ALL dog owners with the same brush. You sound like the dreadful local rag columnist who once suggested unloading a tonne of dog cr*p onto every dog owners' front step. I think he would have found more cr*p from his own vastly misperceived ramblings. What a t!t.
I know someone who keeps a pig like you would keep a dog. He showed me photos, I was bemused and amused! Anyway, that's by the by really.
I do feel that while your argument makes the point that not all dog owners are responsible, you kind of spoil it by making unsubstantiated claims.
trebor, are you calling my dog a perv? And once again, you are making gross generalisations, and tarring ALL dog owners with the same brush. You sound like the dreadful local rag columnist who once suggested unloading a tonne of dog cr*p onto every dog owners' front step. I think he would have found more cr*p from his own vastly misperceived ramblings. What a t!t.
I know someone who keeps a pig like you would keep a dog. He showed me photos, I was bemused and amused! Anyway, that's by the by really.
I do feel that while your argument makes the point that not all dog owners are responsible, you kind of spoil it by making unsubstantiated claims.
Woop woop Leela! You go hun :)
I completely agree!
Annnnnnnd, my cats are never looked out at night, we have windows open for them so they can choose!
I always pick up my dogs poo, I even have a funky little poo bag dispenser in the shape of a green bone that clips onto my belt hole!
As for the food? Never have and never would feed my dogs tinned food!
People eat horses, my fella used to when he was growing up!
I walk my dogs in the park behind my house, along with most other dog owners in the town I live in, as there is plenty of space for kids and dogs!
Ohh, and my dog will bark at night, at the kids messing around at stupid hours and riding there scooters up and down the path way!
Still want to know how you can blame pet lovers for pervs in parks mind!?
I completely agree!
Annnnnnnd, my cats are never looked out at night, we have windows open for them so they can choose!
I always pick up my dogs poo, I even have a funky little poo bag dispenser in the shape of a green bone that clips onto my belt hole!
As for the food? Never have and never would feed my dogs tinned food!
People eat horses, my fella used to when he was growing up!
I walk my dogs in the park behind my house, along with most other dog owners in the town I live in, as there is plenty of space for kids and dogs!
Ohh, and my dog will bark at night, at the kids messing around at stupid hours and riding there scooters up and down the path way!
Still want to know how you can blame pet lovers for pervs in parks mind!?
I sort of agree with you. I have friends who are horrified when an animal is hurt but if it was a child, they wouldn't be distressed.
I don't see the problem with the horse meat thing.
You can't give a dog an ASBO but I am sure owners could be prosecuted.
Kids don't get ASBOs for hanging around and chatting.
I don't see the problem with the horse meat thing.
You can't give a dog an ASBO but I am sure owners could be prosecuted.
Kids don't get ASBOs for hanging around and chatting.
and a wild animal is not the same as a cat or dog...and a dog went for my granson on the way to school for nothing..i wanted to kill the dog and still do..before the dog kills a kid ...and the owner is a stupid old lady that thinks her dog is not to blame and its ok for it to be out in the street !!
and before you say i hate dogs and cats i have dogs and a cat well trained and loverly as well ..but if they ever went for my grankids they would be put down ... but ive trained them well
and before you say i hate dogs and cats i have dogs and a cat well trained and loverly as well ..but if they ever went for my grankids they would be put down ... but ive trained them well
hear we go again ? did i say all cat and dog lovers ,,, i said so called pet lovers ...why are you defending yourself ????..and your comments about parks ...why have a dog in a built up area ?? and were can kids go to play ???
when i was a kid there was none of all this crap today you never seen bog crap or empty parks ... all you see know is dog crap on fields parks and even park football areas... its unexceptable !!!..and i am not a do gooder who hates pets i am commenting on what i see ok
when i was a kid there was none of all this crap today you never seen bog crap or empty parks ... all you see know is dog crap on fields parks and even park football areas... its unexceptable !!!..and i am not a do gooder who hates pets i am commenting on what i see ok
They can go to the park to play in the 3 areas that is made for kids and that dogs dont/cant go in! Or they can play in the maze that we have, or they can go in the paddling pool (well they could of but they are working to make 3 new ones at the minute!)
And that lot is only some of the bits for kids in the 1 park behind my house! So I wouldnt say they are that hard done by!
And that lot is only some of the bits for kids in the 1 park behind my house! So I wouldnt say they are that hard done by!
wiggal~thank you sweetie! How are you? :) Those little poo bag dispensers are really cute! And if you have a Home Bargains or Half Price or near you, they stock the refills at 79p for 3, as opposed to about a fiver!
trebor, I could discuss this with you until the cows came home (the ones that haven't been mindlessly attacked by all the vicious dogs out there, then cr*pped on to boot)...But I do have things to do today.
I don't deny that your comments are observational, but there just isn't sufficient logic behind what you say. You sound reactive, as opposed to rational.
Did you report the dog who attacked your grandchild? That is a serious allegation, and you need to let the police know, so that this dog can't hurt anyone else.
And as for your second posting in response to mine, why the hell NOT have a dog in a "built up area"? So because I can't afford the freedom of choice about where I live, I don't deserve the pleasure of dog ownership? My dog lives a happy life; he is fed, loved, exercised, occupied, cared for, healthy
...Rescue centres are already full to bursting right now, are you suggesting all threstrasiose people without masses of land and the luxury of residing in the countryside give up their dogs? The argument you pose doesn't make sense.
Why can't I have a dog in my life? And why don't I have the right to share public space? My dog remains on a lead, I pick up after him, I restrain him near children, he is trained, I am respectful of the rights of others to enjoy their space, as I am aware of my own right to this space too.
Kids can go to play on the park, dog owners can walk their dogs on the park. Why do you think people can't share? And if you mean a park with play equipment, I don't take my dog on the swings, or to sit on the roundabout..
I am not defensive, just definite about my feelings on the subject.
trebor, I could discuss this with you until the cows came home (the ones that haven't been mindlessly attacked by all the vicious dogs out there, then cr*pped on to boot)...But I do have things to do today.
I don't deny that your comments are observational, but there just isn't sufficient logic behind what you say. You sound reactive, as opposed to rational.
Did you report the dog who attacked your grandchild? That is a serious allegation, and you need to let the police know, so that this dog can't hurt anyone else.
And as for your second posting in response to mine, why the hell NOT have a dog in a "built up area"? So because I can't afford the freedom of choice about where I live, I don't deserve the pleasure of dog ownership? My dog lives a happy life; he is fed, loved, exercised, occupied, cared for, healthy
...Rescue centres are already full to bursting right now, are you suggesting all threstrasiose people without masses of land and the luxury of residing in the countryside give up their dogs? The argument you pose doesn't make sense.
Why can't I have a dog in my life? And why don't I have the right to share public space? My dog remains on a lead, I pick up after him, I restrain him near children, he is trained, I am respectful of the rights of others to enjoy their space, as I am aware of my own right to this space too.
Kids can go to play on the park, dog owners can walk their dogs on the park. Why do you think people can't share? And if you mean a park with play equipment, I don't take my dog on the swings, or to sit on the roundabout..
I am not defensive, just definite about my feelings on the subject.
When did anyone mention they live in a built up area?
There was plenty of dog poo around back in my childhood, it was white though, I disctictly remember that, so times haven't really changed.
All this anger and over generalising over an incident with ONE dog and ONE owner? Why not talk to the owner or the police rather than this vitriol?
There was plenty of dog poo around back in my childhood, it was white though, I disctictly remember that, so times haven't really changed.
All this anger and over generalising over an incident with ONE dog and ONE owner? Why not talk to the owner or the police rather than this vitriol?
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