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cat attacked by dog

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christine847 | 23:17 Fri 23rd May 2008 | ChatterBank
38 Answers
my friends cat has been badly attacked by two rottweillers (sp) and its rectum has been torn out and its in a hell of a state
the owner said at the time she would pay the vets bill but now the bill has risen to �800. and she is refusing to pay.
what can my friend do?


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OMG! Poor cat. Your friend needs to find an RSPCA hospital or other free animal medical centre straight away.

Who's Rotties were they? Where was the owner?
think a call to the R.S.P.C.A is in order, poor cat.
call the police as im sure these dogs shold be muzzled.i suppose it depends if the cat was attacked whilst the dogs were being taken for a walk but im sure they shold be muzzled in public places.............
Priority is to get the cat medical attention - speak to the RSPCA or Blue Cross. I would report the matter to the police - they won't take action over a cat but my concern would be that these dogs were not under control and could attack a child.
The police won't do anything. As horrible as this is for your friend the dogs were doing what dogs do- attack cats given the chance!

Would your friend qualify for treatment for her cat with the PDSA?
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The rotties had jumped over the owners fence and killed another cat before they reached my friends
Her cat has been at the vets since thursday and is now on a drip and sedated.
The police were called ,found the owner who agreed to pay the vets bill but now as its risen so high is refusing to pay ,saying my friend should have the cat put down.
It depends on the circumstances, if the dogs were out in public off the lead then the owner should pay up, it could`ve been a kid instead of a cat

If the dogs were in their own garden and the cat wandered in then I doubt the owner has to pay anything
Whilst I feel sad for the cat, all because the dogs attacked it has no bearing or indication that they will attack humans.

I was brought up with large dogs and from recollection they chased every mammals they could- cats, squirills, rabbits, deer, etc. Never did they even as much bark at a human.

Regarding the debt, I think it will be a civil debt. Which basically means the police will take no action and the burden (if attending court) will be the balance of probable liability.

it's the rotties that should be put to sleep
They killed another cat before attacking your friends cat!!! I would report both incidents to the RSPCA who should get the police involved. These dogs are dangerous and Bensmum is right - they could easily attack a child.
The dogs were obviously out of control if they could jump a fence like that and I would worry about their temperament. I know that dogs attack cats unfortunately but I think your friend needs to take legal advice about this.
Contact the police and file a complaint. If it envolves a dangerous animal (or 2), they should get involved. And just the fact that your friend does go to the police might prove sufficient incentive to the owner of the dogs.

And/or If your friend keeps all the bills, and gets the vet to record the findings, and if there were any witnesses, get a statement, and then tell the owner that they will start proceedings for the vets bills in the small claims court. A letter stating this, how much you will claim from the court and how much you will accept to settle out of court, and the deadline by which you need to have received payment before you send the paperwork to the court.

That kind of thing usually works as a quick kick to the wallet!
Good luck.

I need to type quicker
Poor cat. As Elvis said, it depends on the circumstances. Don't forget to take pictures of the cat's injury should you decide to take the matter further to court.
Regarding jumping over the fence as said, my memory of the Dangerous Dogs Act only applies in public. Gardens will be private, methinks.
same as elvis plus if there had been a child in the garden and it was missing half a face.would people say that you should not let a child play in your own garden.
lol Elvis, your post was the last one when I executed my post.
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Hi everyone,
thanks for your quick responses,the vet has just phoned my friend to say that her beautiful cat is going down hill fast and probably wont last the night out.
My friend has also phoned the police and they are not really interested
The fence must be quite low then as Rotties ain`t the most agile dogs in the world

Christine, hope you will post again and let us know if the cat makes it.

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