I am with lankeela - I think you are being very sensible in researching the breed BEFORE you get one. I was a member of my dogs breed club for about 4 years before I was in a position to buy my dog (I had 2 GSD's and a BSD at the time and could not take on a fourth giant dog). It does not mean that you love your present dog any less.
When I eventually got my pup, my GSD was old and in a K9 cart with CDRM. For the last 12 months of her life she brought him up totally and she adored him - she always did like puppies. She did not lack any attention from us and he just added to her quality of life.
One thing I would say about Russian Black Terriers is that they are a working/guarding dog and a large one at that. I found this video on you tube (not very good quality) it gives you an idea of what they can do.
There has been at least one in the UK that was a police dog. Don't forget they are a Terrier and can be stubborn and are large enough when adult to get their own way!