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if u sat in a fish tank

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warthead | 22:04 Thu 24th Jul 2008 | Animals & Nature
4 Answers
could a fish swim up your butt?


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I'm not really sure about that. However, I do know for a fact that if you'd open your mouth they would glide in, swim upwards, and find a jolly large cavity to explore.

Good one, stewey !!
lol stewey. nice!

get a life gravitate Mirth
hello!!!!!!!! this is noooooo wwwwwaaaaayyyyyyyy gravit6ate. This prepubecent obviously has a fixation with butts of which I do not. I get the blame for everything these days. It makes me feel like im insulted. you are a bunch of presumptious victimising tear aways. I may as well go get the big wooden cross and some gasoline so you can string me up and watch me burn for the crimes I didnt commit. Or why not tie me to a chair and toss me in the river. If I float I amguilty so string me up and burn me or if I sink im innocent, but drown anyway.

Beuty is not talking about butts

butts are for gays

im not gay

come to my house all of you and I will unleash my puppy on you. It will own all of tyou

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if u sat in a fish tank

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