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Where do Pigeons go to die?

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Wotsits31 | 17:48 Mon 04th Aug 2008 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
Not really sure where to post this question but it's been puzzling us round the office all afternoon.......

You see loads of pigeons every day round town but you never see any dead ones, and considering how many of the f'ing blighters there are, where do they all go?

Is there a giant pigeon grave somewhere?

Hope someone can help.....!!!!!


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well one of them died a horrible death in my back garden :o)
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afternoon Leggy x
Question Author
So every pigeon in every town knows where the local tip is and when they start to feel a bit ropey, they fly off there to die?
except for the unfortunate one who came to my back garden, yes.
leg - That's very thoughtful of them! Just imagining a large heap of dead pidgeons with their feet stuck up in the air! lol!
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Eh! less of the old yin chappie!
Knowno - I laughed out loud!
oi, I've just spent a lot of money on my garden! he was obviously ready to die and mistook it for paradise.

and he obviously didn't see the cat.
well if you were ill would you be in town? they die in isolated spots in their nests etc and obviously with so many predators around their bodies do not remain whole for long
Bl00dy rats with wings. They get shot where I come from.
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Who would eat a pigeon? They are like vermin!!!
did you not see Gordon the God Ramsey? he virtually turned one inside out and cooked the meat!
Calamity Jane!! lol! Whip crackerway whip crackerway! xxx
Trouble is, best way to kill a pigeon is to shoot it, and then you end up with a bird full of shot. Mind you, have had woodpigeon before which was quite nice. The vermin type tend to be scrawny with not much meat on them. And they crap everywhere.

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Where do Pigeons go to die?

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