I couldn't pick one up with my bare hands (except perhaps the really big hairy tarantulas), but I'd be quite relaxed about catching it in a glass and putting it out of the window.
I used to be terrified of spiders. Wouldn't even go in the room if I knew one was there. However, I made an effort to learn a little bit about them, to understand them a little more, and now they don't worry me half as much.
I know now that they're mostly harmless and that even the big tropical ones would think twice about tackling something as large as a human being. They really are more terrified of us than we are of them. When you see them scuttling across the floor, they're only trying to get out of your way because they don't want to get hurt. Only thing is, they don't have the benefit of your human's-eye view of the room.
You gotta feel sorry for them!