Both of our cats seem to have developed some sort of skin disorder where they are both constantly grooming themselves and pulling out fur. The skin under their fur is very scabby. Whatever it is it is more prevalent around the rear ends of their bodies. The vet thought it might be a flea-bite allergy last time and charged �40 for a jab. Before I take them to the Knacker's yard any ideas on how to cure it?
That is disgusting, I hope to g0d you don't mean it, if you do why don't you take them to a cat rescue, you can't have a cat put to sleep just because its got a skin problem, why on earth have you got cats in the first place!
My cat is quite scabby and scratching a lot lately. She had a flea injection back in July but I think I'll have to take her back to the vets before they get infected or any worse. They are mainly around her head so bit difficult to work out if she's been in a fight or it's something else.