On behalf of my daughter, any ideas what to do with a 2 year old that bites? He bit his older brother so hard it caused a bruise yesterday. He keeps on doing it and it's really nasty. In my children's young days we used to be tild to bite them back but if he went out with adult teeth marks in him these days there would be trouble. Any thoughts? He'll do it to another child before long and the mother will, quite rightly, go mad.
My nephew was a biter - and my sister was very slow to do anything about it. It really irritated me, as my kids were on the receiving end and if they retaliated it was regarded as poor behaviour on their part ( go figure ! ) so for a couple of weeks I shadowed the 'biter 'when he visited and was able to feed him his own hand when he was biting. He really hurt himself and so stopped right after he drew blood from his own hand.
Also -if you think it is more a teething related thing I would get some Anbesol liquid as it stays where you put it and is wonderful stuff.
Thank you both. I'll suggest she has a go at one of those. If he wasn't my grandson I could cheerfully have slapped him yesterday, his poor brother, whose only 4 himself was so shocked and it really hurt him.