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Kitten gone loopy!

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Miss-taken | 11:06 Wed 01st Oct 2008 | Animals & Nature
23 Answers

My kitten is about 4 and a half months old. Lately he's started running round the house at high speed ie up the stairs round the bedroom, back down, up the sofa, back down the sofa, a lap of the lounge and then round the kitchen - he meows while he does this. Does anyone elses' kitten do this - should I be concerned? He does it at such whirlwind speed and the meowing worries me a bit - he seems to do it a lot more lately!
Incidentally he's been to the vets in the last week for his second jabs so I would assume she would have picked up if there was anything obviously wrong with him!
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I have to agree with everyone here... my two darlings (8 years old and just under 2 years) have been known (esp the 8 year old) to go absolutely bonkers at times.... it is hilarious to watch but a bit unsettling for the unwary new owner (ie slave lol). They are either burning off excess energy or dissolving all that alien input from last night..... personally, I believe in excess energy, why on earth would aliens bother with mad critters like cats ? surely the aliens would have done their research and realised that cats are inherently bonkers ....
Hi, Miss-taken (and everyone else!) - yep - perfectly normal!! My little Mischa, even though she's only got 3 legs, still careers round the house like a little mad dervish (much to the amusement of the older cats!). Misch is only about 4 months old, too and is just learning to trust humans, after her terrible experience as a tiny baby. She's an absolute delight, though, nuts as she is, and she eventually snuggles up next to me in bed and sleeps through the night. Just to give you more "bad" news - Cleo, who's 3 now, still acts like a complete idiot!! K xx
We had a very tall weeping willow tree in our garden and one of our cats would go hell for leather round the garden, up the tree then down and round again, was quite something to watch.

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