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Update on my little JRT

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bigmamma | 09:26 Sun 12th Oct 2008 | Animals & Nature
25 Answers
Hello anyone who remembers seeing the pics of my new puppy a coulpe of weeks ago . He's growing quickly and learning fast . I only have to get him not to bark to get me up too early . Him and Porsche are getting on really well I'm plesaed to say . xxxx


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That's my mums JR Tilly and that's a puddle she's jumped in to, probably wouldn't even reach your labradors belly! Have you let him off the lead yet or is he still too diddy for that?
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Awww , that's your mums little Tilly , bless , no I haven't let him off the lead yet , except in the back garden of-course , but today was his first walk out of the house so everything was so new to him . He's still very tiny , 2 . 2 kilos . xxx
Hi bigmamma,

He is so beautiful, lovely markings .So similar to my Honey , who is 6 now and was a rescue dog , a cross with J.R and a Beagle.She gets me up for her to Pee between 2am and 6 am without fail, don't you just love it.
At that time I don't even know what planet I'm on.
oh mamma he is lovely you are making me broody but i dont think cassie would be very amused as she is still put out about all the fuss the cat is getting xxx
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Hello brenda , Honey sounds a lovely character , though I guess you have a few rough nights by the sound of it , alright in the summer but that must be horrid getting out of bed in the middle of a winters night ...brrrr..
Hi there ruthann , hee yes , maybe poor Cassie has enough to think about just now :-)

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Update on my little JRT

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