I really know how you feel Phantaxus.
I used to work in a Job Centre in a very rural area and it is very disheartening.
Also, our transport system is dreadful. I get so angry with people saying that you should 'walk to work' and leave your car at home, or get a bus. What bus?
We have one bus a week on Market Day. I can catch it at 10.00am and it returns to my local bus stop at 12.30pm. And we live on a main road connecting two towns!
My job is 12 miles away - I can't walk there and I am not prepared to cycle and risk life and limb on the main road.
There is no property around here now under 100,000 and that is for a one bedroom starter home. We have an influx oof second home buyers and one of our nearest coastal towns is now called 'Chelsea on Sea'. The average wage probably is between �5.00 and �6.00 per hour for most of the available work in this area: what chance do people have of getting on the property ladder?
As for foxes, the hunt round here catch a few but they certainly play no part in controlling the fox population! And the only livestock around here are a few cattle, chickens kept in chicken sheds and game birds that are reared solely to use for sport.
Ok. I'll stop at this point. The whole issue just makes my blood boil! This was an issue about fox hunting and I have somewhat diverted. Sorry Shadow.