Slaves simply will not learn, will they ? WeeThug and I (and our slave knows this very well) only like Whiskas in Jelly and we simply adore (well, at the moment we do) those that have little bits of vegetables...heehee.... just to appease the vegetarian in her, we do eat our veggies... *cat laughter was heard throughout the Jugglering household*..... we quite like the odd crunch as well, but absolutely detest anything with beef in it (except of course the Lidl 20p cartons of beef, they're ok hehe)... We did manage to fool our slave into getting us some freshly cooked meat a couple of times, simply by ignoring the anti-botty tablets she wanted us to take when we were poorly... we both knew perfectly well that she had hidden them inside the cooked turkey and ham... that was good fun, I kept nicking WeeThug's ham but she got me back by filching my turkey the following week.... dratted WeeThug... I hate her too ! miaow, purr, miaow.........