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New kitten.

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MWB | 22:46 Tue 03rd Mar 2009 | Animals & Nature
7 Answers
How is the best way to know you're going to get a cuddly, smoochy, friendly kitten from picking one out from a litter?


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How long is a piece of string?
The only thing I'd say is don't go for one which is a bit stand-offish, but do go for one which appears to be a "character".
Loads of kittens are not always cuddly and demure - and although they usually respond to a wee tickle, they'll probably be more interested in marauding around their new surroundings and getting up to all sorts of mischief and hooliganism!
Best of luck! Choose well!
I agree with Paraffin - though we got 2 several years back and both were timid when we went to visit them in their home - cos they didnt know who we were and we were much bigger than them. They both turned out to be the most amazing cats ever... sadly one died last year so we just have his brother now - but he had a HUGE personality!!!!!

I think that any tiny young kitten will be a bit timid at first and want to hide from the big scary human trying to pick it up - just trust your gut instinct I think

Good luck!
I dont know about cats but with my last two dogs I didnt have a choice, Che my first, attacked my trouser legs and wouldn't stop till I picked him up, Max just sat in front of me and yapped non stop till I picked him up. I had Che for nearly 15yrs and I've had Max 7yrs and if I'd spent a year going through litters of pups I dont think I could have found two better dogs
Cant help you with the selection of a kitten, but make sure you give them loads of attention when they are little. this will help them grow up being used to getting cuddles and handled.

My 2 are great as they were constantly fussed over as kittens, but my friends 2 aren't as loving as he didn't give them much attention when they were little. (I compare that to my attention and I constantly picked them up all the time. Dont mistake my friend for abandoning his kittens, he just didnt fuss as much as I did)
MWB...We have experience of wild kittens (feral) and one would think that they would be so pleased to be chosen to be looked after........but no!...arrogant, demanding, refuse to be cuddled after 3months of age, but I suppose that is a reflection of us rather than of them.
Will only eat when their dishes have been cleaned and one of them after her hysterectomy, was nursed in comfy bed in my study and I stayed up all night with her....actually I slept in the chair.
Stupid or what ?
We got our present 2 within a week of each other but from different rescue centres - both 8 or so weeks old.
The little ginger tom was on a lady's lap being tickled and seemed as though he was loving it.
The little tortie girl had already been separated from her mum and was rampaging around her little pen.
Over 4 years later it's the little girl who loves a lap but our ginger tom, who loves a tickle, won't give us a lap for love nor money.
Strange creatures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Awww sqad!

I remember helping my mum choose two of our family cats. There were some tiny cute cuddly kittens and some slightly older quieter ones. Mum and brother wanted two of the littluns but I said to go for one of each as I didn't want the older ones to get overlooked.

We lost Mitchell, cute cuddly kitten, a year or so ago and he was never a cuddly cat and was a funny little thing.

Tessie, the older one is still with us and the softest most loving cat you could imagine.

I got my cat Heathcliffe from a rescue centre, he's about 2. He was the only cat I had out to look at and he was distinctly not impressed at being picked up and voiced his displeasure but I knew he was the one for me.

He's not cutesy, hates being picked up, no tummy rubs for him and not too much fuss but I love him to bits.

He's currently curled up on the sofa with me and sleeps cuddled up next to me on the bed everynight :)

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