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SLINKYKATE | 17:00 Mon 30th Mar 2009 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
we did'nt have all the toys kids have nowadays,when we were young and poor we made our own fun like=putting a rope over a tree branch we made a dam in the burn and many times we got soaked,for a kite we used wool for the string tied round a carrier bag,tied an old book on a skate and sat on it and went down a hill,made a bogie pinching the wheels of an old pram,raked the middens when someone was moving to see if we could get any goodies,went to jumble sales for dressing up clothes,i was a right tomboy when young,what did yous get up to,and i would'nt change my childhood i was a very happy child.


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Aah! those good old days, when we were free to enjoy fun times, without the thought of health and safety becoming involved! I'm glad I was born when I was!
Cut-out masks on the back of cornflake packages.
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My 4 year old's nursery class made kites out of carrier bags with strings tied round the handles last week, and I have to say it was a pleasure to watch them all running about screaming with delight over their kites which cost....what pennies??
I had a co-op kite :D

I used to love making daisy chains, rope on a tree to make a swing, in the summer we used to fill empty washing up liquid bottle with water and squirt each other (they were big back then)

Listening to 'The Goon Show' and 'Dick Barton: Special Agent' on the wireless (not radio). Waiting for the 'Dandy" and 'Beano' to be pushed through the letterbox.
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do you remember you used to swap scraps,play ball,ropes beds(hopscotch) ,kick the can,ring bell run fast,whats the time mr wolf,statues,shadows.this was in the 1950-60's
I used to swap scraps, play marbles, play with my whip and top and listen to Radio Relay which my mum paid a few bob a week for. Sundays was Archie Andrews and Family Favourites......
When I was a child, I was perfectly happy with a colouring book and some felt-tip pens.

My friend spent nearly a grand on her two year old child, and the little girl was more interested in the cardboard boxes that the toys came in. Serves her right for sqandering so much money on a toddler.
Got a story printed in Girl comic. Scrumped apples - we couldn't afford them. Home-made trolleys for races/conkers/hopscotch/skipping. Even got a box of chalks one Xmas that I treasured. Stamps/cig-cards/postcard collections (still have them). Marbles - have them glued into table top. my kids have some clearing ahead!
Yes how things have changed,My grandsons have everything up to this new Wii games and the recent board one and when he turns round and says .I'M BORED I think good grief we did not even have time to get bored as you say we made all our own games and entertained ourselves.I start to tell my daughter about how we did and she always says OH HERE WE GO AGAIN AND YOU SAY THEY WERE THE GOOD OLD DAYS. Yes they were the good old days.
Despite the Wii, DS, playstation and thousands of pounds of lego, I think that kids will still make their own games when given the opportunity. My two have spent the last 2 weeks making and playing with shields and swords made from a cardboard box and we spent an afternoon in the woods hunting beasties with sticks and building a gang hut from old bits of wood and plastic bags. I hope they have as god memories of their childhood as I do. We used to disappear all day with a bottle of squash and a packet of biscuits and as long as we were in before the street lights came on nobody worried about where we were.
Yes ANNIEOO00 yes some kids can interest them selves in outdoor activities but not many and you would not let your kids out like what we used to do years ago you would go frantic if you didn't know where they were. That is why I call them the Good old days.

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