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Fireworks tonight!!

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maurizio | 15:29 Fri 05th Nov 2004 | Animals & Nature
4 Answers

Here we are, Guy Fawkes again and my dog will go berserk, barking, shaking, wanting to be cuddled, so yet again I cannot go out enjoying the fireworks in the park.

Is there anything to give them to calm them down a bit, or is it the usual tranquilliser from the vet.



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Ear muffs, sun glasses and a stiff brandy. No keep him indoors & and turn the telly up.
Our vet has a CD for pets who are afraid.  Don't need it as I have one dog who is deaf (very useful on 5 Nov) and one dog who isn't bothered.  It must be awful for you though, I sympathise.
Our vet has some aromatherapy plug ins especially for pets who need calming down for whatever reasons. Don't know how good they are, just seemed a great idea if they work.

Piriton tablets work very well.You can get them from the vets or you can buy them from most chemists(far cheaper) We originally got them from the vets but you can get 4mg tablets yourself. 1 Tablet to be given 1-2 hrs before the event!  

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Fireworks tonight!!

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